T4C is a Timing Application to Organize your Meeting, Conference or Broadcast Schedule.
If your meeting has several contributions and you want to keep track of them "Timer for Conference" can help you.
You plan your meeting, conference or broadcast schedule with e.g. Numbers or Excel. In the planning phase it helps to use spreadsheet
features to prepare a good program for a meeting or any kind of a session with multiple contributions.
T4C imports CSV files from Numbers and gives you a graphical overview of a session. When the session is running a timer for
the presenter is displayed with just the information the speaker needs to stay within the scheduled time. The session coordinator
gets a graphical display how talks are deviating from the planned schedule. The session coordinator selects, starts and stops
the contributions. With a new auto timing mode in version 3 one can also run predetermined sessions without coordinator intervention.
As a meeting leader you can concentrate on following the talks, T4C helps you to keep track of the session.
A PDF version of the manual is avaiable here.